Paul Fix
Wanda Nevada
1979 107m
1977 104m
Cahill U.S. Marshal
1973 103m
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
1973 106m
Shoot Out
1971 95m
Zabriskie Point
1970 113m
Young Billy Young
1969 89m
The Undefeated
1969 119m
El Dorado
1966 120m
Incident at Phantom Hill
1966 88m
Nevada Smith
1966 128m
The Sons of Katie Elder
1965 122m
1965 105m
Baby the Rain Must Fall
1965 100m
To Kill a Mockingbird
1962 130m
Jet Pilot
1957 112m
1956 201m
The Bad Seed
1956 129m
The High and the Mighty
1954 147m
Johnny Guitar
1954 110m
1953 83m
Bullfighter and the Lady
1951 124m
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
1949 103m
The Fighting Kentuckian
1949 100m
Wake of the Red Witch
1948 106m
Force of Evil
1948 78m
Red River
1948 133m
1945 82m
Back to Bataan
1945 95m
The Fighting Seabees
1944 100m
Captive Wild Woman
1943 61m
Virginia City
1940 121m